Fruits and honey as sustainable income sources for forest communities
Additional and diversified means of income for forest communities are in most cases a requirement to reverse forest degradation, the depletion of natural resources and besides an effective climate adaptation strategy. In July 2022, beneficiaries of 9 selected participatory forest management (PFM) groups piloting certain Forest Landscape Restoration measures were provided with fruit tree and spice seedlings. Among these mango and black pepper, to enrich homestead plantation with agroforestry systems as livelihood support. This was combined with training courses on the preparation of the plantation sites, cultivation, and management of the planted seedlings. Over 300 participants joined the training sessions which were at the same time a welcome opportunity for an informal exchange on challenges and proven methods.
In the future it is planned to further expand beekeeping with wax and honey production, give market access trainings and strengthen the PFM groups’ organisational development in order to improve their livelihoods.

photo credit: NABU